Seven prospective visions for Greater Geneva
Altre pubblicazioni 2021 Bâtisseurs suisses
espazium - Les éditions de la culture du bâti and TRACÉS announce the publication of an 80-page book in the collection BÂTISSEURS SUISSES - PROJETS produced in partnership with the Braillard Architect Foundation to present the work of the Grand Genève Consultation.
The book, bilingual French/English, presents the work of the seven multidisciplinary teams that reflected on the future of the Geneva metropolis in the context of the transition. These seven visions are preceded by essays by: Panos Mantziaras, director of the Braillard Architects Foundation, Ariane Widmer, cantonal urban planner, Office de l'urbanisme du Canton de Genève, Marion Charpié-Pruvost, Pôle métropolitain du Genevois français, Philippe Meier, President of FAI Genève, Arnaud Dutheil, Director of the Conseil d'architecture, d'urbanisme et de l'environnement (CAUE) de Haute-Savoie
The exciting challenge of ecological transition calls for a twenty-first century city- landscape of new forms and places, designed with conviction, imagination and precision. This volume presents seven prospective visions for Greater Geneva elaborated by a generation of committed professionals and researchers to inspire us as citizens with confidence to reinvent our lifestyles.